Hey New Yorkers, don’t miss this Action Alert about big payday lending news from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.  Lots at stake for New York… Get involved with the campaign for a strong payday lending rule by following the steps in the video!

Posted by Monica Garcia — Have you heard the growing buzz around Community Land Trusts (CLTs)? Across the country, and right here in NYC, groups are coming together to promote CLTs as a way to create truly affordable housing, fight gentrification and give people a voice in how their neighborhoods are shaped.

Posted by Josh Zinner — Events in Congress last week provide a painful reminder that the Too Big To Fail banks and their allies in Congress are completely unbowed by the events leading up the global financial crisis. Now more powerful than ever, the big banks will stop at nothing to gut even modest reform.

Posted by Claudia Wilner — On November 17, affordable housing advocates and developers, community groups, and unions gathered at City Hall for a hearing on the Mayor’s plan to create or preserve 200,000 units of affordable housing over the next 10 years. New Economy Project testified at the hearing on behalf of NYC Community Land Initiative, about why community land trusts should be a key part of the City’s plan.

Hot off the presses!  We’re excited to share with you a new economic justice resource:  Change It Up: How Banks Shape Communities and the Economy….and What You Can Do About It. New Economy Project teamed up with the Center for Urban Pedagogy and graphic designer Manuel Miranda to produce this fold-out poster, which tells the […]

Main Street — Some 50% of Americans who fall into overdraft do so, because they don’t know their account balance, according to a recent survey from GoBankingRates. That lack of knowledge is extra dangerous when it comes to the overdraft policies of banks, and consumer advocates are fighting back to end these misleading overdraft bank policies that prey on consumers.